Bellanina Facelift Massage – fight signs of aging NATURALLY!

I’m so excited to announce that I am bringing Bellanina Facelift Massage to my practice! I recently became certified in May, and I am so excited to share this amazing, anti-aging massage technique with my clients. And right now, I’m looking for a few women to give me feedback on this technique.

If you have frown and smile lines, under eye puffiness, and sagging skin and would like my help, I’m offering a huge discount on four sessions (package is only $199 for 4-sixty min sessions – $161 savings). You must be able to come to my office in Allen, TX four times in the next 2 weeks, and you must be looking for a natural way to fight signs of aging on your face.

If you or someone you know meets the criteria, please contact me ASAP. I’m limiting this to TWELVE people only.  Please call or text me at 469-867-9865.

Thank you in advance for your feedback!

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